Interested in racing? We have collected a lot of interesting things about Anti Squat Drag Racing. Follow the links and you will find all the information you need about Anti Squat Drag Racing.
Antisquat Explained - Chassis - Circle Track Magazine
Antisquat (A/S) is one of those mechanical tools that can add traction off the corners when used properly. A/S is associated mostly with three-link rear suspension systems in which the upper third ...
RC Suspension Tuning Guide – Anti-Squat - CompetitionX
Adding Anti-Squat will make the car Squat less during acceleration. This will cause your car to track straight on straightaways. It will …
Launching a Drag Car -
An IC located BELOW the Normal Line is said to have less than 100% Anti Squat. ~4-link settings of 100% Anti Squat should accelerate the car w/o any raising or squatting of the rear of the car. ~4-link settings with MORE than 100% Anti …
How To: Tune with Anti-Squat - RC Driver
1. Anti-Squat Explained Start by focusing your attention at the rear of your vehicle. You’ve probably noticed that when you accelerate your vehicle, it shifts weight to the back and the rear squats down. When we tune anti-squat, we refer to the angle of the inner hingepin as it relates to the ground.
How much antisquat is too much? - DragStuff
Seems like it would work, but it also seems kind of wild. What I've gathered from people is that you have too much anti-squat if you have so much traction you bog the engine, you literally smash the slicks, or you separate the rear so much that you top out your rear suspension/shocks and it unloads.
Antisquat and Instant Center Location - DragStuff
Now what I don't understand. As you move forward with the IC to something reasonable.. say 40-50" the anti-squat line naturally moves further up and hence with the bottom bar adjusted level or slightly pointed down it puts the IC well below the slope of the neutral line (100% anti-squat) and yields numbers for me in the 15-50% anti-squat.
What Goes Up: The Black Art Of A Wheelstand-Free …
“The idea of setting a car up with a four-link that creates a runaway anti-squat situation to develop thrust angle in the four-link bars, and to continue that separation all the way down the racetrack is very unique to radial racing,” explains shock guru Mark Menscer of Menscer Motorsports. “And it’s really the only application that it’s going to work well on, …
Drag Racing Traction: Rear Suspension – Leaf Spring
These leaf spring wedges are used to adjust pinion angle on vehicles equipped with rear leaf springs. The wedge is mounted between the spring mount pad and the leaf spring itself. Doing so changes the angle the axle housing sits at. These bolt-on slapper bars from Competition Engineering are typical and affordable.
Instant Center Calculator for your drag car suspension
Front Lower Control Arm Bolt Height: Rear Car Weight: Front Car Weight: Center of Gravity Height (or Camshaft Height): Wheelbase: Tire Diameter: The Baseline Suspensions calculator has plotted YOUR geometry below. The AntiSquat value is 111.31%. Instant Center Lenth: 52.76".
Tuning 4 Link Rear Suspensions for the Drag Strip
If you want to check your 4 link setup, go to a chassis shop or find someone with portable race scales. Have them put the car on the scales weigh the car with the 4 link disconnected. Then connect the 4 link, preload it and weigh again. Then you will be able to tell if each side is preloaded the same.
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