Interested in racing? We have collected a lot of interesting things about E-Racing Unicamp. Follow the links and you will find all the information you need about E-Racing Unicamp.
Carros Elétricos | Unicamp E-Racing
Desde 2011, construímos carros elétricos de alta performance que já mostraram para o mundo o potencial da tecnologia brasileira: somos heptacampeões nacionais e bicampões mundiais. Possuímos o recorde de carro mais rápido das américas com uma aceleração de 0-100 km/h em 3 segundos. Mas nossa missão não é apenas superar limites, é tornar o Brasil referência em …
Carros Elétricos | Unicamp E-Racing
Since 2011, we build high performance electric cars, which have shown the world the potential of Brazilian technology: we are seven times Brazilian champions and two times American champions. We own the fastest car record in the whole American continent with an 0-100 km/h acceleration in 3 seconds. Nevertheless, our main goal is not only to ...
Conheça a equipe | Unicamp E-Racing
In October 2011, the Unicamp E-Racing was founded by 8 dreamers, FSAE Unicamp ex-members (the internal combustion engine FSAE team from the University of Campinas - Unicamp), who were invited to join the first Electric Formula competition in Brazil. At first, the electric powertrain and the batteries represented a great challenge for everyone.
Unicamp E-Racing - YouTube
Unicamp E-Racing is an Electric and Autonomous Formula Student Team. This video shows our 2014 Acceleration time, that remains the best time in …
Unicamp E-Racing - Instagram
4,562 Followers, 680 Following, 294 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Unicamp E-Racing (@unicamperacing) unicamperacing. Follow. 294 posts; 4,562 followers; 680 following; Unicamp E-Racing Formula Student Team of the University of Campinas! 🏎🇧🇷
Unicamp E-Racing - Home - Facebook
Unicamp E-Racing, Campinas, Brazil. 6,631 likes · 82 talking about this · 73 were here. Equipe Unicamp E-Racing
AUTONOMOUS | Unicamp E-Racing
AUTONOMOUS | Unicamp E-Racing AMERICA'S FIRST AUTONOMOUS FORMULA We want to bring our students and our research closer to an even more advanced technology: autonomous …
2° Fase - Dinâmica. A 2° Fase do nosso Processo Seletivo é uma dinâmica em grupo, que terá duração aproximada de 1h. Fique atento ao seu email e WhatsApp para saber a data e horário da sua dinâmica! Após o encerramento dessa fase, avisaremos novamente por email se você foi aprovado ou não para a etapa seguinte.
GALLERY | Unicamp E-Racing
ADDRESS . Lev Landau Street, 381. 13083-858. Campinas, São Paulo
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