Interested in racing? We have collected a lot of interesting things about Greyhound Racing Urban Dictionary. Follow the links and you will find all the information you need about Greyhound Racing Urban Dictionary.
Urban Dictionary: Greyhounds
Greyhound A breed of dog that is capable of reaching up too 45 mph. Used in the racing industry and for hare coarsing. Second most abused breed next to the pitbull. Also Greyhounds are very lazy. " Dude my Greyhound just shot offf after some rabbits " by Finnerty September 8, 2009 17 4 Flag Get the Greyhound mug. Greyhound
Urban Dictionary: the greyhound
Greyhound A breed of dog that is capable of reaching up too 45 mph. Used in the racing industry and for hare coarsing. Second most abused breed next to the pitbull. Also …
Urban Dictionary: Greyhounded
Greyhound A breed of dog that is capable of reaching up too 45 mph. Used in the racing industry and for hare coarsing. Second most abused breed next to the pitbull. Also …
Greyhound Racing Dictionary
Greyhound Racing Dictionary Win The first greyhound to cross the finish line wins. You only collect if your greyhound finishes first. Place The second greyhound to cross the finish line places. You collect only if your greyhound comes first or second. Show The third greyhound to cross the finish line shows.
Urban Dictionary: Greyhounding
Greyhound A breed of dog that is capable of reaching up too 45 mph. Used in the racing industry and for hare coarsing. Second most abused breed next to the pitbull. Also Greyhounds are very lazy. " Dude my Greyhound just shot offf after some rabbits " by Finnerty September 8, 2009 17 4 Flag Get the Greyhound mug. Greyhound
Greyhound racing - definition of greyhound racing by The …
greyhound racing n (Individual Sports, other than specified) a sport in which a mechanically propelled dummy hare is pursued by greyhounds around a race track Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
Urban Dictionary: greyhound skirt
greyhound skirt a very short skirt- so called because it's an inch from the hair(hare) by FrysterAugust 12, 2003 Flag Get the greyhound skirtmug. Greyhound Skirt Very short skirt, that …
Urban Dictionary: racing
something that you can get in a lot of trouble with if you do it on the streets of the San Fernando Valley. But very fun never the less. a speed competion between two or more cars.
Urban Dictionary: *pound**pound*&page=15
A crazy Haitian gang. A Gang of hatian nationals that have grouped together in foreign countries, found in the Bahamas and also in Florida evidently as Rick Ross mentions them in the thank you's on his album. It is unknown by this individual whether Zoe Pound is the haitian spin off of the Dog Pound Gang ()which can also be found in the Bahamas, obviously named …
Urban Dictionary: Dogful
Someone who isn't well respected by peers in his age group and lacks inner sources to be a fully functioning human. AKA, Loyal and dumb. Yo man, that cracka dogged us out. Yo dog, what's up, where home boy at? by zerex April 23, 2007 23 13 Flag Get the dog mug. dogs Australian slang for racing greyhounds, or a greyhound racing event.
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