Interested in racing? We have collected a lot of interesting things about Lodge Tracing Boards. Follow the links and you will find all the information you need about Lodge Tracing Boards.
Masonic Tracing Boards
The Tracing Board of The Centre is based upon a sketch by masonic author and founder of The Lodge of Living Stones No.4957, Walter Leslie Wilmshurst. The Lodge was formed in 1927 with the specific purpose of promoting a deeper understanding of the teachings of Craft Freemasonry, including the Royal Arch.
Tracing board - Wikipedia
Tracing Boards - Museum of Freemasonry
Tracing boards are painted or printed illustrations show the various emblems and symbols of Freemasonry. They can be used as teaching aids during the lectures that follow each of the three Masonic Degrees, when an experienced member explains the various concepts of Freemasonry to new members. The Masonic tracing board took several decades to
Masonic Tracing Boards from St. Andrew's Lodge
St. Andrews Lodge No. 1817. Here is a historically important set of antique tracing boards depicting the symbolism of Three Degrees of Freemasonry from St. Andrew's Lodge in the UK. Each tracing board measures 30 x 20 inches. Framed identically... size of frames 31.5 x 21.5 inches. Each painting is marked with its order in the degree, with tacks on the upper portions of …
7 - Tracing Boards - Provincial Grand Lodge of Middlesex
Masonic Knowledge – 7 – Tracing Boards. Tracing Boards take us on an allegorical journey through the degrees. Tracing Boards were originally used by the Master Mason to draw and calculate the design of the proposed building. These days they are allegorical illustrations of the mysteries of the various Degrees. In each Degree, the Tracing Boards have …
TRACING BOARD - The Corinthian Lodge of Amoy
The Tracing Board is for the Master to lay lines and draw designs on; The Rough Ashlar for Entered Apprentice to work, mark, and indent on; The Perfect Ashlar for the experienced Craftsman to try, and adjust, his jewels on. They are called Immovable Jewels, because they lie open and immovable in the Lodge for the Brethren to moralise upon.
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History Tracing Boards - The Masonic Trowel
The history of Tracing Boards is fairly short, mainly because the cost of having Boards specially made for each Lodge was quite high and they gradually became commercially produced. As far as I know, the only hand-painted Tracing Boards in this Jurisdiction are used by Burrard Lodge No. 50 and Duke of Connaught Lodge No. 64.
1836 Tracing Boards from the United Grand Lodge of England
1836 Tracing Boards from the United Grand Lodge of England Specially made original black leather boards with Masonic embossing and with working metal clasp. Octavo (8 1/2 by 5 1/2 inch) size. Tag front pastedown from R. Spencer, Bookseller (and Masonic publisher).
61 - Masonic Tracing Boards - Virginia Research Lodge No.
Masonic Tracing Boards are training devices. In the earliest days of speculative Masonry, the Master used to sketch designs on the floor of the Lodge before the meeting using chalk. Then he would talk about the drawing during the meeting. (It may be that early in the history of the Masonic Order all meetings were "Masonic Education").
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