Interested in racing? We have collected a lot of interesting things about Platform Racing 3 Level Editor. Follow the links and you will find all the information you need about Platform Racing 3 Level Editor.
Platform Racing 3 Level Editor - YouTube
This is the level editor on Platform Racing 3!There are many new blocks and items!Come and make levels!
Platform Racing 3 - Jiggmin Wiki
Platform Racing 3
Platform Racing 3 is two-dimensional online racing game. Create your own levels and blocks, or play levels created by other players! Feature rich tools to make your vision come true! Draw amazing art or create unique consepts using different combinations of block types! You can play the game by choosing one of the following options:
Level | Platform Racing 3 Reborn Wiki | Fandom
A level is a horizontal plane created by players in the level editor. Blocks Art Settings Currently, there are 5 different types of levels. Race Deathmatch Coin Fiend Hat Attack King of Hat
Platform Racing 3 Level Editor Glitch - YouTube
1. Open or make a level completely made out of custom blocks. You also need a custom finish block.2. Start the level.3. Keep your mouse on the position where...
Platform Racing 3/Update History - Jiggmin Wiki
Pre-release updates are sorted by date published, while ones during the beta are listed by their build dates from the title screen. Due to archives being in-complete, not every change from before the 08-09-10-1 build is listed. Date: Mar 1 - The game will run off Blossom Server. Date: Aug 31 - Poll on whether the chat should be small and permanently attached to the lobby or have its …
Platform Racing 3.0 ideas (Apparently official thread) …
Kongregate Platform Racing 3.0 ideas (Apparently official thread), post your thoughts on the discussion board or read fellow gamers' opinions. ... Item block which works like a mine when you hit it from underneath level editor: Copy and paste certain segments of the track blocks: gravity up : more gravity gravity down: less gravity
Level Editor | Platform Racing 2 Wiki | Fandom
Level Editor Edit Level Editor is a feature in the game. It allows you to create and customize your own levels. Level editor contains all of the blocks that there currently is. There is a limit of space that you can make your level in but it is huge.
just a level editor - GitHub Pages
Left/Right Click: Place Block. Shift + Left/Right Click: Teleport Player to Cursor. Ctrl + Left Drag: Move Level. Ctrl + Right Click: Refocus Player. Middle Click: Bind Block Clicked to Left Click. Shift + Middle Click: Bind Block Clicked to Right Click. E + Left Click: Edit Block Properties (if any) Shift + ←→↑↓ : Increase Level Size.
[Platform Racing 2] PR3 level editor help!! discussion on …
Kongregate [Platform Racing 2] PR3 level editor help!!, post your thoughts on the discussion board or read fellow gamers' opinions. ... An open platform for all web games! Get your games in front of thousands of users while monetizing through ads and virtual goods.
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