Interested in racing? We have collected a lot of interesting things about Ray Tracing Mathematica. Follow the links and you will find all the information you need about Ray Tracing Mathematica.
export - Mathematica, animations, and external ray …
Use ExportString for obtaining the output file as a String inside of Mathematica, then you can manipulate that string the way you want: prepend another string with StringJoin, change the string with StringReplace etc. Finally you can simply Export that string as "Text" into a file with any extension you like.
How do i do ray tracing in mathematica? : Mathematica
I implemented a ray tracer in Mathematica using the OpenCL framework. The 3D models weren't imported - they were coded by hand. As u/sandwichsaregood pointed out, you may find it more efficient to use a 3rd party tool. If you must implement the ray tracer yourself then I suggest you get reading. 2 level 2 MSZH Op · 6y
Why is raytracing so slow? - Mathematica Stack Exchange
The ray-tracing task in general is just searching for reflection angles and corresponding interaction points. As it was pointed out by @MassDefect, the faster way is making these calculations as it is without any Region 's.
Ray Tracing for Points in a Polygon - Wolfram ...
In computational geometry, there is a classical problem of partitioning a set of points in 2D into those enclosed by a polygon and those outside. Currently, the best known way is a ray-tracing method, in which a ray is drawn from a candidate point in the positive direction and the number of intersections with the polygon is counted.
Mohammad Alaggan: Ray tracing with Mathematica ;)
The road to success is full of bumps. The more bumps you hit, the closer you are to your goal. The more bumps you get in a short interval of time, that faster you are heading to you goal. Abstraction is one way of escaping your problems by assuming someone have solved them for you. Computer scientists are those people who knew why computer ...
Lens Lab--A Demonstration of Lens Ray-Tracing with ...
Description This notebook is an example of using Mathematica for doing geometric ray-tracing. LensLab defines a set of functions for designing optical systems, including lenses, mirrors, prisms, and other elements. The notebook can compute ray paths through the elements and plot the results in two and three dimensions.
Ray—Wolfram Language Documentation
Ray As of Version 10, all the functionality of the ComputationalGeometry package is built into the Wolfram System. » Ray [ { x1, y1 }, { x2, y2 }] is an object representing the infinite ray beginning at { x1, y1 } in the direction of the point { x2, y2 }. Details …
Wolfram Library Archive
Convert Uniform Polyhedra to POV-Ray Spheres, Cylinders, and Triangles [in MathSource: Packages and Programs] Lens Lab--A Demonstration of Lens Ray-Tracing with Mathematica [in MathSource: Packages and Programs] MathGL3d: An Interactive OpenGL Based Viewer for Mathematica's 3D Graphics [in MathSource: Packages and Programs]
Wolfram and Mathematica Solutions for Optics
In addition, the application package Optica offers a ray-tracing engine and a searchable component database of more than 6,800 commercial optical parts, all fully integrated. Interactive models of the human eye and other optical systems Model light refraction within a water droplet A Clear Solution: Optimizing Optics with Mathematica
Optica SE: Design and Analyze Customized Optic Systems
Optical ray tracing can be sequential or non-sequential. The ray-tracing engine can even perform traces with arbitrary precision, beyond standard machine precision. Here is just a bit of what you'll find in Optica's vast library of predefined elements: 122 optical components 38 lenses 23 mirrors 22 prisms 12 light sources 22 high-level functions
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