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Ray Tracing - University of Washington
Ray Tracing Tutorial - GitHub Pages
The ideas behind ray tracing (in its most basic form) are so simple, we would at first like to use it everywhere. But it's not used everywhere. Ray tracing has been used in production environment for off-line rendering for a few decades now. That is rendering that doesn't need to have finished the whole scene in less than a few milliseconds.
Ray Tracing - University of Washington
A ray is defined by an origin P and a unit direction d and is parameterized by t: P + td Let I(P, d) be the intensity seen along a ray. Then: I(P, d) = I direct where I direct is computed from the Phong model 10 Ray-tracing pseudocode We build a ray traced image by casting rays through each of the pixels. function traceImage (scene): for each pixel (i,j) in image
Ray Tracing - University of Texas at Austin
Ray-tracing pseudocode, cont’d function traceRay(scene, P, d): (t, N, mtrl) ← scene.intersect (P, d) Q ray (P, d) evaluated at t I = shade(q, N, mtrl, scene) R = reflectDirection(N, -d) I ← I + mtrl.k r * traceRay(scene, Q, R) if ray is entering object then n_i = index_of_air n_t = mtrl.index else n_i = mtrl.index n_t = index_of_air
Ray Tracing Basics
Scene.trace(Ray ray, tMin, tMax) {surface, t = hit(ray, tMin, tMax); if surface is not null {point = ray.evaluate(t); normal = surface.getNormal(point); return surface.shade(ray, point, normal, light);} else return backgroundColor;} … Surface.shade(ray, point, normal, light) {v = –normalize(ray.direction); l = normalize(light.pos – point);
Ray Tracing Basics
Basic Ray Tracing Algorithm for every pixel { cast a ray from the eye for every object in the scene find intersections with the ray keep it if closest } compute color at the intersection point} Construct a Ray 3D parametric line p(t) = eye + t (s-eye) r(t): ray equation eye: eye (camera) position s: pixel position
Ray Tracing Basics I
2 Ray Tracing in the real world Light is emitted from light source Bounces off of the environment Assumptions Light travels in straight rays Path of light changes based on object interaction. Can simulate using basic geometry. Some light will reach and be focused by camera onto film plane. Lots of light will not! In image synthesis, we are only interested in the
Lecture 2: Introduction to Ray Tracing
ray tracing. I= K a+ k e+ Xn i=1 V iL imax(l in;0) + K smax(h in;0))s) K a: ambient K e: emission from material K d: di use K s: specular V i: visibility L i: intensity l i: light vector h i: re ection vector s : specularity 2.5 Recursive Ray Tracing For each pixel Trace Primary Eye Ray and nd intersection Trace secondary shadow rays to all lights Trace Re ected/Refracted Ray 5
CS 4204 Computer Graphics Introduction to Ray Tracing
Ray/Plane (cont.) Substitute the ray equation into the plane equation: A(x o + x dt) + B(y o + y dt) + C(z o +z dt) + D = 0 Solve for t: t = -(Ax o + By o + Cz o + D) / (Ax d + By d + Cz d) t = -(N • R o + D) / (N • R d) Note: The normal vector of the plane should usually (except for backface removal) be for the surface facing the ray.
02 - Ray Tracing, C++,%20C++.pdf
• Ray tracing is an effective way to render images • Specular reflection and Shadows are straightforward to implement • It is ubiquitously used even in …
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