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Reflections and Refractions in Ray Tracing,You%20can%20write%20this%20as%3A%20sin%CE%B8t%3D%20%CE%B71%20%CE%B72
c++ - Refraction in Raytracing? - Stack Overflow
And the reflection calculation: Ray Sphere::calcReflectingRay (const Ray &r, const Vector &intersection, const Vector &normal)const { Vector rdir = r.getDirection (); Vector dir = rdir - 2 * (rdir|normal) * normal; return Ray (intersection + dir*BIAS, dir); //the Ray constructor automatically normalizes directions }
How to properly handle refraction in raytracing - Stack …
Color handleTransparency(const Scene& scene, const Ray& ray, const IntersectionData& data, uint8 depth) { Ray refracted(RayType::Transparency, data.point, ray.getDirection()); Float_t eta = data.material->getRefraction(); if (eta != 1 && eta > Globals::Epsilon) refracted.setDirection(Tools::Refract(ray.getDirection(), data.normal, eta)); …
c++ - refraction - ray tracing tutorial point - Code Examples
Ray Sphere::calcRefractingRay(const Ray &r, const Vector &intersection,Vector &normal, double & refl, double &trans)const { double n1, n2, n; double cosI = (r.getDirection()|normal); if(cosI > 0.0) { n1 = 1.0; n2 = getRefrIndex(); normal = ~normal;//invert } else { n1 = getRefrIndex(); n2 = 1.0; cosI = -cosI; } n = n1/n2; double sinT2 = n*n * (1.0 - cosI * cosI); double cosT = sqrt(1.0 - sinT2); …
Introduction to Ray Tracing: a Simple Method for Creating …
color glassBallColorAtHit = Kr * reflectionColor + (1-Kr) * refractionColor; One last, beautiful thing about this algorithm is that it is recursive (that is also a curse in a way, too!). In the case we have studied so far, the reflection ray hits a red, opaque sphere and the refraction ray hits a green, opaque, and diffuse sphere.
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