Interested in racing? We have collected a lot of interesting things about Rolla Racing Propellers. Follow the links and you will find all the information you need about Rolla Racing Propellers.
Dedicated propellers with value added engineering
The propellers can be designed to meet any Classification rules such as Lloyd's Register, ABS, RINa,BV etc. All Rolla propellers are dynamically balanced and geometrically comply with the "S" Class of ISO 484/2 standards. A full CMM (Computerized Measurement Machine) report for Registry purposes can be supplied for each propeller. Expertise
Rolla Propellers - Marine Propellers | Twin Disc
Rolla fully submerged propellers start with software analysis of all possible shapes and inputs, including diameter, number of blades, skew, rake and more. We determine the best possible design for the application, then use CFD to fine-tune the propeller load and detect any potential cavitation or flow problems.
Rolla Boat Props - Propeller Depot
Surface piercing propellers - manufactured in - NibrAl from 28" up to 65" diameter, with a power range from 600 hp up to 5500 hp. - Stainless Steel from 16" up to 32.5" diameter with a power range from 250 hp up to 1400 hp. Source your 100% authentic Rolla Propellers from Propeller Depot today and save thousands.
Rolla Yacht Propellers
Surface piercing propellers - manufactured in - NibrAl from 28" up to 65" diameter, with a power range from 600 hp up to 5500 hp. - Stainless Steel from 16" up to 32.5" diameter with a power range from 250 hp up to 1400 hp. Deep Blue Yacht Supply is your ultimate source for all 100% new authentic Rolla Propellers.
Got enough information about Rolla Racing Propellers?
We hope that the information collected by our experts has provided answers to all your questions. Now let's race!