Interested in racing? We have collected a lot of interesting things about What Are Horse Racing Terms. Follow the links and you will find all the information you need about What Are Horse Racing Terms.
A-Z Glossary Of Horse Racing Terms | Cheltenham Betting Offers,K.%20...%2010%20L.%20...%20More%20items...%20
Horse Racing Terminology - And Down The Stretch They …
Middle distance: A race longer than seven furlongs but shorter than 1 1/8 miles. Miler: A horse that prefers to race at or near a mile in distance. Minus Pool: When enough money is bet on one horse that the pool is insufficient, after the track take, to pay the holders of the winning ticket the legal minimum odds.
Horse Racing Terms - Guide to Horse Racing
Glossary of Horse Racing Terms - Saratoga Race Course …
across-the-board: A bet on a horse to win, place and show. If the horse wins, the player collects three ways; if second, two ways; and if third, one way, losing the win and place bets. Actually three wagers, therefore three times the money. For example, a $2 across-the-board bet costs $6. action: 1) A horse's manner of moving. 2) A term meaning wagering, for example, "The horse took a lot …
Horse Racing Terms & Abbreviations: What do they mean?
Horse Racing Terms All-Weather This is an artificial track that can be used across all weather, with the surface remaining relatively consistent no matter what the conditions. Antepost This is a type of wager placed on a future race. Bridle This is a piece of equipment that is placed over a horse’s head in order to control it around the course.
Horse Racing Terms - British Racecourses
Horse Racing Terms List - Rookie Road
List of Horse Racing Terms. Abandoned: This is the status of a race when it is closed, typically from bad weather. Across the Board: Refers to a bet on one horse winning a race, place, and show. Also Eligible (AE): Also Eligible refers to horses that are allowed on the field to run the race only if another horse is scratched.
Horse Racing Jargon, Phrases and Language [Complete …
Explaining Horse Racing Betting Terms What is a bookmaker? A person or company who accepts your bets on a race day, shortened to ‘bookie’. What does 15/8, 9/4 and 17/2 mean? These fractions are used in racing when /1 is not precise enough. 15/8 is slightly smaller than 2/1, whilst 9/4 is slightly bigger and 15/2 is 7.5/1.
Horse Racing Terms A to Z 2022 - Ez Horse Betting
Break Maiden— This term indicates that a horse is attempting or has succeeded in winning its first race. Once a horse has broke its maiden it can no longer race against horses without a win. Horses that fail to achieve this feat after many races are often referred to as career maidens and should be regarded with the utmost betting caution.
Glossary for Horse Racing Terms
Here is an introductory guide to the most important glossary of horse racing terms: The Horse. The foundation of betting horse racing is the horses, which can vary greatly depending on many factors. When reading the entries for a race, you will see information about the horse’s age, sex, pedigree, and more. Here is a look at some important betting terms glossary regarding the …
Daily Racing Form: Glossary of Horse Racing Terms - DRF
BREAK (A horse)- To accustom a young horse to racing equipment and methods, and to carry a rider. BREAKAGE- In pari-mutuel payoffs which are rounded out …
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